Danish BioImaging Newsletter – July 2017


Join us for the 4th Danish BioImaging Network meeting

8th of November 2017

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3, Copenhagen.

To celebrate the creation of Danish Bioimaging the next DBI meeting will focus on SCIENCE!

The vision/mission of the meeting is to gather the Danish Bioimaging community to enable networking and knowledge exchange. Who are we? What can we do? What facilities/infrastructures we have? The frame will include short scientific talks and flash talks to introduce novel applications/ research groups and facilities and a poster session with plenty of time for networking.

For organizational reasons, registration is needed: Please Register here !

Abstract submission deadline September 1st submit your abstract here!


Preliminary Program

10:50 – 11:00                     Welcome

11:00 – 11:40                     Short talks (20 min/each)

11:45 – 12:30                     Flash talks (3min/each) to present selected posters.

12:30 – 13:30                     Lunch

13:30 – 15:30                     Scientific talks (20min/each)

15:45 – 17:45                     Poster session and socializing (Beer and snacks included)

17:45 – 18:00                     Image and poster prize and, closing remarks



Summary of the content and outcome:

3rd Danish BioImaging Network meeting

9th of June 2017, Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Copenhagen


The meeting was mainly of a strategic manner, conferring on the status and definition of the network, including discussions of priorities, milestones and activities for the next year with both the scientific and company members. Also, as one of the aims of the network is to enable Denmark to enter the Euro-Bioimaging community network, the network was very pleased to have Antje Keppler, Head of Imaging Infrastructure Strategy Development, EMBL, to give a talk on Euro- and Global BioImaging.  Please find attached the Summary of the meeting and a pdf of the presentations.

DBI would like to thank the Danish Cancer Society Research Center for sponsoring and hosting the event



www.Danishbioimaging.dk  is our face and we need to show the world how active and interactive the Danish Bioimaging community is. Help us by sharing YOUR ‘Events’, YOUR input in the ‘Forum’ and all the ‘Hot Topics’ that YOU found! Share your thoughts and make the homepage active and exciting to visit.
If you have suggestions for new functions, find bugs or just want to give feedback, don’t hesitate to write an e-mail to: webmaster [at] danishbioimaging [dot] dk.


Network activities

DBI needs creative people with ideas, initiatives and time! There is budget for it, so come forward with ideas! And, if you want to be an active part of Danish BioImaging, please join the relevant work group(s):

WG1: Image Analysis tools and data management
Sune Darkner, DIKU – darkner [at] di.ku [dot] dk
WG2: Pre-clinical imaging
Eastern Denmark : Henrik El Ali, KU –  helali [at] sund.ku [dot] dk
Western Denmark:  Michael Pedersen, AU –  michael [at] clin.au [at] dk
WG3: Electron Microscopy
Casper Hempel, RH –  casperhempel [at] gmail [at] com
Alexander Shulz, KU-SCIENCE – als [at] plen.ku [dot] dk
WG4: Light Microscopy
Aarhus/Aalborg – Morten Nielsen, AU – mn [at] biomed.au [dot] dk
Odense – Jonathan Brewer, SDU –  brewer [at] memphys.sdu [dot] dk

WG5: Correlation and connectivity

Contact pending (please come forward if you would like to lead the group!)

WG6: Training and knowledge exchange

Jutta Maria Bulkescher, SUND-KU – jutta [dot] bulkescher [at] sund [dot] ku [dot] dk




Workgroup news

  • WORK GROUP 2 – Pre-clinical Imagng

Inside zoo: zoological imaging PhD course Oct 30 – Nov 4 2017: www [dot] inside-zoo [dot] com

  • WORK GROUP 4 – Light Microscopy
    The Light Microscopy workgroup is starting its activities. As a first project, we are gathering a list your favourite resources in light microscopy, fluorescence, sample preparation… Participate here!
  • WORK GROUP 6 – Training and Knowledge exchange
    Jonathan Brewer and Eva Arnspang Christensen, from SDU are organizing a Cross-institutional Bioimaging course. For more information, please contact: arnspang [at] kbm.sdu [dot] dk.



Bioimaging Events 2017

15th to 16th of September, National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore, India.

Register now! http://www.eurobioimaging.eu/content-news/register-now-2nd-exchange-experience-workshop-planned-september-2017-bangalore-india



Danish BioImaging Network wishes you and your colleagues a great summer.