Welcome to the first edition of the Danish Bioimaging newsletter for 2023.
This first quarter of 2023 has been full of exciting news!, the Danish BioImaging Network community keeps growing – welcome to all our new members!. Moreover, the DBI Infrastructure team is also growing: In March, two new members of the DBI-INFRA Image Analysis Core Facility (IA CF) team joined us. Tricia Loo as Bioimage Analyst and Martin Baiker-Sørensen as Programmer/Bioimage Analyst. You will soon be able to access to the new IA CF and all other DBI-INFRA facilities through the DBI-INFRA website (www.dbi-infra.eu). The website is under construction, but to be launched very soon. So, stay tuned: from May, you will be able to get and overview of the bioimaging technologies and planned activities offered at the different DBI-INFRA facilities in 2023. The first IA CF planned activity is the DBI-INFRA QuPath Workshop in April 12th – learn how to quantify histology/multiplexing images for free – only a few seats are available. Do not miss this opportunity!
Towards the end of the letter, we highlight some of the coming bioimaging events for 2023. Mark your calendars to attend the third Image Analysis Stakeholder meeting in Copenhagen May 12th and the Second Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure (BNMI) Symposium in Odense, August 22nd -25th.
Remember to check out/follow our DBI network website and SoMe channels (Linkedin & Twitter ) for a deeper dive into activities, events, and updates within the bioimaging community and infrastructure in Denmark.
Best Regards/ DBI Network & DBI INFRA Coordinator Sonia Diaz
Euro-BioImaging ERIC promotes its Danish BioImaging Node
The DBI-INFRA Director, Clara Prats, talks about the open access technologies available at the Danish multimodal Euro-Bioimaging node (DBI). Watch the video.
The five state-of art DBI bioimaging facilities include the BioImaging Core Facility at the University of Aarhus, the Danish Molecular Bioimedical Imaging Center at the University of Southern Denmark, and the Center for Advanced BioImaging and the Core Facility of Integrated Microscopy at the University of Copenhagen.

Open calls and Events
- Second symposium of the Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructures (BNMI) network – University of Southern Denmark, Odense. August 22nd -25th. Registration
- Should life scientists learn to program? Stakeholder meeting organized in collaboration with Alexandra Instituttet -May 12th , Copenhagen. Participation is free. Sign up here.
- Biological Imaging Course for PhD and MSc students from April 24th to June 21st (twice a week). Read more
- Course by Janelia Advanced Imaging Center: Principles and approaches to digital image processing and analysis
- European Microscopy Congress 2024. 25-30 August. Copenhagen.
- Biophotonics PhD Course at DaMBIC. June 5 – June 9, 2023.
- BioImage Analyst at Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. For full consideration, please apply before 1st April 2023.
- Imaging Specialist at reNEW NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine . Deadline for applications: 31st of March, 2023.
- Core Facility Fellowships EMBO Supporting training for staff of core facilities, funding international exchanges.