Please find the newsletter here
• We had a successful virtual Danish BioImaging meeting on November 11 with wide ranging talks and a virtual workshop on Machine Learning. Now the videos are out for the talks and the workshop
• NEUBIAS is conducting a survey on the status of Bioimage Analysis. If you have time, please take a couple of minutes to answer the 9 questions
Please find the newsletter here
• In these Covid-19 challenged times a solution has been found – we are doing a double up on the Danish BioImaging Meeting with a virtual part 1 on November 11 (register now) and a physical part 2 on May 19-20, 2021 (mark your calendars!)
• emc2020 will become emc2024, but they are still offering Early Career Scientists the opportunity to present their work at an International Meeting this year! Check it out at the emc2020 website
Please find the newsletter here
• We are happy to announce that the next Danish BioImaging Meeting is in the calendar and will be held at DTU on November 11-12. Mark your calendars!
• Remember to sign up for the Cross-institutional DBI PhD course that will take place in the fall semester 2020. You can find the course information here
Again a big success of Danish Bioimaging!
Meeting in Aarhus gathered about 100 researchers across Denmark. Speakers from Germany and France have represented international interest in imaging.
16 talks, 20 posters, 2 days this time. With very excited workshops.
Next year in Copenhagen again.
- Danish Bioimaging Network meeting: 22nd-23rd of October in Aarhus. Registration is open: link Deadline for talks is 1st of September.
- New workgroup leaders: Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen, DTU for Pre-clinical imaging East, Klaus Qvortrup, KU for Electron Microscopy, Eva Arnspang Christensen, SDU, for Light Microscopy East and Christian Garm, AU, for Light Microscopy
- We are looking for news leaders for the workgroups (If you are interested, please send an email to
- WG1 Image analysis tools and data management
- WG6 Training and knowledge exchange
- Hurry up to sign for the Cross institutional Bioimaging PhD course, only 1 seat left. Registration deadline is 27.08.2019.
- 2 conference grant from Danish Bioimaging to participate in Biological and pharmaceutical applications of CRS microscopy, Odense, December 2019 (see attachment).
August-Danish Bioimaging Network newsletter