
The Titan ETEM is a transmission electron microscopy equipped with a field emission electron source (FEI X-FEG), a monochromator and an aberration corrector on the super-twin (S-TWIN) objective lens (CEOS CESCOR). This gives the microscope a resolution of about 0.8 Å in TEM mode. Other tecniques available on the microscope are scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM, resolution 1.4 Å) with both high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) and dark-field (DF)/bright-field (BF) detectors. On the analytical side, the microscope is equipped with Oxford X-Max 80T SDD X-ray detector for energy dispersive X-ray (EDS) spectroscopy and Gatan Tridiem 866 imaging filter allowing for electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy-filtered imaging (EF-TEM). For imaging, the microscope is equipped with Gatan US1000 cameras (2048×2048 px) before and after the energy filter, as well as a Gatan OneView camera for fast in situ acquisition (25fps full resolution 4k x 4k, 100fps 2k x 2k, 200fps 1k x 1k, 300fps 512 x 512).

The microscope is equipped with a differential pumping system which allows gases to be introduced around the sample to a pressure on the order of 10 mbar (gas specie dependent). Several gases are permanently mounted on the system: Hydrogen, helium, methane carbon monoxide, nitrogen and oxygen. Additional gases and gas mixtures can be added as needed. Please contact Cen staff if you need other gases.

As a high-resolution TEM, the Titan ETEM is very versatile. It has been used to study materials such as catalysts, steels, graphene, polymers, oxides and fuel cells. The high tension can be varied between 80kV, 200kV and 300kV. If you have special requests, please come and see us.

Titan 80-300 ETEM
Open for fee
Kgs. Lyngby
Main type
DTU Nanolab