Welcome to the winter edition of the Danish Bioimaging newsletter for 2023.
December is finally here, and we invite you to take a moment to catch up on what’s been happening since our last edition. Stay tuned for exciting announcements as we wrap up the year.
Cover: Dynamic of skeletal muscle mitochondrial networks imaged with structured illumination microscopy with the Elyra7 (CFIM) by Carlos Henriquez Olguín
Firstly, we are thrilled to share that the DBI-INFRA Annual Report 2022-2023 is now published. We are proud to look back on a very productive year, filled with milestones and achievements. The report summarizes the activities organized, co-organized or attended by the DBI-INFRA team. Gives you and overview on the newly implemented DBI-INFRA services (Incl. Imaging services and Image analysis services). With the creation of the national DBI-INFRA Image Analysis Core Facility, the DBI-INFRA offers today open access to the image analysis and programming expertise to make sure all bioimaging life scientists have the support they need to extract quality data from their image-based data sets. Finally, the DBI-INFRA thanks the national and international collaborators for a year full of good meetings, discussions and collaborations! You can download the annual report in pdf format by visiting this link here .
Stepping back on time, in November, the first DBI-INFRA Institutional board was constituted, and the first meeting held with representatives from the leadership teams of the DBI-INFRA Hosting institutions (Incl. University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde University, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University, Aarhus University and the Danish Cancer Institute). The meeting was highly productive, and it reaffirmed the commitment and engagement of the DBI-INFRA Hosting institutions. The DBI-INFRA executive board thanks the members of the Institutional board, and is looking forward to carrying forward these discussions into 2024.
In October 2021 , the DBI Panel of Facilities (PoF) gathered representatives and staff from any BioImaging Core Facility in Denmark, a forum for knowledge exchange and collaboration across facilities, institutions and countries. This year, the PoF has focused on technology knowledge exchange, Core facility booking systems, visions for job shadowing opportunities between the Danish bioimaging community. In addition, the PoF has work during the last months on defining their terms of references, and strategic focus tasks, which you can read now in the DBI PoF Charter . If you want to join the DBI PoF, please contact Thomas Hartig Braunstein
Since their formation, the DBI-INFRA Image analysis Core Facility has organized several workshops, which have filled in very fast, and have received outstanding feedback from the participants. The last one was the two-day Python workshop in October. The 25 participants actively engaged in theoretical and hands-on lectures, followed by individual work sessions, where the participants applied what they learned to their individual research. Big thanks to the Briding Nordic Microscope Infrastructure for sponsoring DBI-INFRA workshops!!
Excellent bioimaging core facilities can only be run by excellent core facility members. This is why DBI-INFRA is committed to secure professional development activities tailored to help technology platform staff develop their soft and hard skills. November this year, DBI-INFRA hosted a hfp-consulting Core Facility Management Course, during which staff working at different core facilities in Denmark learned about task management, conflict management, team building, communication, personality and frame setting as an essential tool for service provision and team work.
In December, every seat was taken for the Light Sheet Workshop organised by The Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy. Applications specialists from Carl Zeiss and 3i, and staff from CFIM and DBI-INFRA IACF introduced the two new light sheet microscopes installed at CFIM. Lectures focused on the nature of light, the challenges of imaging deep into biological specimens, and large data handling, analysis and rendering. The workshop started with open lectures to more than 50 participants, followed by hands on sessions for 16 researchers on clearing methods, and image acquisition with both microscopes including individual talks for project discussion or user samples imaging.
Remember that the DBI-INFRA Image Analysis Core Facility (IACF) team of experts is ready to help you. The team can guide and train you in the most suitable software solutions, and if needed develop a complete image analysis workflow tailored to your scientific project. Do not wait; get in touch with them!.
DBI-INFRA website is continuously being updated. Have a look to get an overview of the bioimaging technologies and planned activities offered at the different DBI-INFRA facilities. The site gathers FUNDING opportunities from several projects at the national and international level that include funding opportunities to support access to bioimaging technologies, activities and mobility grants such as BNMI, ISIDORe, AgroServ, AI4Life and CanServ. Furthermore, take a look at the new page that explains how to register to access EuroBioImaging.
The last video for 2023 in the DBI video series about DBI users is included in the newsletter. During this year researchers affiliated at different Danish institutions shared their bioimaging research with our community; highlighting how important is for their work to use DBI core facilities in order to pursue their research, how are they using the services we offer, both equipment and access to the knowledge and expertise of the core facility staff. More interviews to get to know our users are coming in 2024!.
To be added to the list of achievements this year is another important milestone, the DBI Cross Institutional Bioimaging Ph.D. course which finalized on November 20th. The course started in September and took place at different Danish research institutions in order to expose the students to different bioimaging research groups and core facilities.
Finally, we are happy to invite you to the next DBI Scientific meeting, which will be held in Copenhagen June 24-25, 2024. Join us to get inspiration from some of the best – the list of confirmed speakers at the moment include: Claire Walsh, Florian Jug and Ole Graumann. Reserve the dates on your calendar!! This is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest technologies, network among the Danish bioimaging community, and show your latest cool image-base data. The link for registration and the program will be announced soon. Stay tuned and follow us on Linkedin.
Happy holidays!
Best Regards/ DBI Network & DBI INFRA Coordinator Sonia Diaz Garcia
Meet our users!
Interview with Serhii Kostrikov, a postdoctoral researcher from the Center for Auditory Neuroscience at DTU Health Tech, who has been using the Carl ZEISS Light Sheet 7 at the DBI-INFRA Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy. “Access to technical expertise from the core facility staff has been essential for my work; from sample preparation to image analysis guidance and support”, highlights Serhii.
Our new addition to Meet our User is an interview with researcher Istvan Balint who is using the new HCS microscope at the Center for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB). The video will be launched in 2024. Stay tuned!.
Open calls and Events
- Sign up for the Quantitative 3D Bioimaging PhD Course with a Focus on Development and Endocrinology at Roskilde University. https://lnkd.in/dC8t6ASb
- The third Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure (BNMI) network symposium will take place at Geilo, April 9th – 12th 2024
- European Microscopy Congress 2024. 25-30 August. Copenhagen.
- The BNMI mobility program is now accepting applications for short-term scientific missions or job shadowing. https://lnkd.in/et-UMZhK
- Training course: “Basics in fluorescence microscopy”, van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy at Amsterdam University (UvA), the Netherlands, January 23-26th, 2024
For more info & to apply: http://www.microscopycourse.nl/?page_id=78
- Postdoc position at DTU Risø – Build an infrared laser scanning microscope
- Screening Staff Scientist (PhD) for the High Content CRISPR Screens (HCCS) Facility at BRIC, UCPH
- Early Career Light Microscopy applications specialist at CFIM (Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy) Apply now
- Postdoc in Advanced Food Microscopy: Advanced microscopy of network structures in food materials (a collaboration with Department of Computer Science UCPH)
- Postdoc in Plant-based Food Micro-Imaging: Microstructural investigation of fibres and juiciness in meat analogues (a project with Novozymes)
Funding opportunities
CanSERV Open Calls for Cancer Researchers

Euro-BioImaging is pleased to announce that the first Open Call from the Horizon Europe-funded canSERV project is here! Cancer Researchers are invited to apply for FREE state-of-the-art services and training at several European Research Infrastructures, including Euro-BioImaging ERIC. Within this project, 28 Euro-Bioimaging Nodes offer access to their expertise. It’s an amazing opportunity for the cancer research community to access a wide-ranging portfolio of services.
Learn more: https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/content/canserv
More funding opportunities DanishBioImaging Infrastructure (dbi-infra.eu)
DBI-INFRA IACF Python workshop
More hands-on workshops to come soon in 2024, so stay tuned and follow us to be the first one to know!
DBI PhD Cross-Institutional Course

Starting on September 4th 2023, the course ran on consecutive Mondays for 11 weeks at four different universities and ended on November 20, 2023. General course information is found here Flyer_Cross-Uni_Bioimaging_PhDcourse 2023.pdf (dambic.dk)