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October 2019
Danish Bioimaging Network Meeting
The 3rd meeting of Danish Bioimaging network will take place in Aarhus 22-23 of October. The aim of the meeting is to gather Danish bioimaging community, to share knowledge and to boost activity. Registration opens on the 1st of May. Registration and meeting program webpage The registration deadline is the 1st of October 2019. Deadline for abstract submissions: for talks 1st of September 2019 for posters 1st of October 2019. Confirmed speakers: Christian Eggeling, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology,…
Find out more »November 2019
MIAP ZEISS OAD & APEER Workshop Expanding the ZEISS Microscopy Platform
Program: The goal of this 4-day workshop is to teach and train participants how to employ the ZEISS software ecosystem for their own projects in image processing, analysis and microscope automation. We will discuss the latest developments in image analysis and machine learning, including the novel free image processing platform APEER, which enables users to exchange image processing modules and assemble them into powerful processing workflows. You will learn how to use APEER in the cloud and how to set up a local APEER solution based on…
Find out more »LEICA THUNDER WORKSHOP – Copenhagen 12.-14th of November
The 3-day joint workshop organized to introduce the THUNDER family with the THUNDER opto-digital technology that uses the new Computational Clearing method to generate high resolution and high contrast images. Triolab and Leica Microsystems have organized this joint workshop about Leica’s new THUNDER systems. The workshop is open for all who would like to experience the Leica THUNDER family with Computational Clearing either on own samples or on workshop available material. The THUNDER family defines a new class of instruments…
Find out more »Correlated multimodal imaging (CMI) in life sciences COMULIS
COMULIS & BioImaging Austria/CMI Conference November 21st - 22nd, 2019 The COMULIS & BioImaging Austria/CMI conference is organized by COMULIS and BioImaging Austria/CMI and specifically focuses on correlated multimodal imaging (CMI) in life sciences. The conference promotes and disseminates CMI benefits through showcase pipelines, and specifically bridges CMI in biological and preclinical research. The conference will be divided in 4 main sessions following the COMULIS Work-Group-Structure: Correlative Microscopy & CLEM, Preclinical Hybrid Imaging, Novel CMI Pipelines and Correlation Software. A…
Find out more »December 2019
Biological and pharmaceutical applications of CRS microscopy
The Coherent Raman Scattering (CRS) conference in Odense is focused on Biological and pharmaceutical applications of CRS microscopy. The overarching goal of the conference will be to bring together the CRS microscopy community to facilitate exchange of knowledge between users and instrument developers. CONFERENCE FLYER Open session topics: New developments in CRS microscopy Applications of CRS microscopy Pharmaceutical applications of CRS and Raman microscopy Bioimaging in skin Other chemically specific imaging techniques. Important dates Registration and abstract submission start April 15th, 2019…
Find out more »Biomembrane Days
Applications for contributed talks and poster registration for the Biomembrane Days which will take place in Berlin from December 11 to 13, 2019 are open. (go to Registration) Contributed talks are a key part of the Biomembrane Days and will be selected from the submitted abstracts. For poster registration, only title (no abstract) submission is required. The abstract submission and poster registration deadline is September 30, 2019. We would like to ask you to pass on this…
Find out more »February 2020
Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XX
opics include: multiphoton (one- or two- or three- or more photons) microscopy theory and system development multiphoton (MP) in wide-field and laser scanning confocal microscopy infrared lasers for MP systems (femtosecond vs. picosecond vs. CW) tissue engineering, endoscopy and intravital or in vivo imaging using multiphoton microscopy endogenous molecular (NADH/FAD/Tryptophan) imaging, energy metabolism and its applications harmonic generation microscopy (SHG, THG) and its applications two-photon light sheet microscopy fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging (FRET) fluorescence lifetime imaging (frequency and time…
Find out more »4th NEUBIAS Conference
4th NEUBIAS Conference Bordeaux France, February 29 - March 6, 2020 Registration & abstracts now open!!! It's our pleasure to communicate that the registration for the 4th NEUBIAS conference in Bordeaux, Feb 29- Mar 6 February 2020, is now open. NEUBIAS brings together life-scientists, bioimage analysts, microscopists, and image analysis developers from Europe and international partner countries in Australia, Singapore, Brazil and the USA ( NEUBIAS is a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications, and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine…
Find out more »Training Schools at 4th NEUBIAS Conference
Bordeaux France, February 29 - March 3, 2020 Applications for Training Schools TS14 and TS5 are now open!!! NEUBIAS, the Network of European BioImage Analysts (, is delighted to announce two new Training Schools on BioImage Analysis: TS14 for Early Career Investigators (Life Scientists: PhD candidates, Postdocs, Staff, ...): This training school will cover the basics of image analysis using ImageJ/Fiji, as well as image analysis workflow automation using ImageJ macro programming. In addition, it will be taught how to…
Find out more »March 2020
LINXS Event – QUANTIM Hackathon: 3D visual annotations
Image visualisation/quantification experts meet scientists with 3D data, they work together to establish a plan how to visualise, quantify and finally interpret the scientific content in the images. Setting up collaborations is one usual outcome after a 1.5 days of sitting together in one room.
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