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June 2022
PhD summer School in Advanced Live Cell imaging
This course is aimed at PhD students with experience in microscopy and with an interest in advanced live cell imaging. The major objective of this practical course is to introduce advanced microscopy techniques such as high-speed live cell imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging and super resolution. In addition, the course touches image analysis with machine learning/AI. The course comprises of theory and show cases, and the participants will benefit from the advanced instrumentation that is part of CAB. The course gives…
Find out more »October 2022
Stakeholder meeting: Digital platforms – Aarhus and online
In March we met in Copenhagen to identify the core challenges in microscopy image analysis. One challenge identified was the development of suitable digital platforms, therefore, on Friday October 28, 14.15-17.00, In INCUBA Store Auditorium (5510-103), Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus N and online we invite everybody to an open meeting on digital platforms to support image analysis for biological research. At the meeting Associate Professor Stefan Klein from the Medical Image Analysis, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC,…
Find out more »March 2023
Illuminate form to discover function – Exploring new technologies in 3D imaging and spatial proteomics
Illuminate form to discover function Exploring new technologies in 3D imaging and spatial proteomics Lund University BioImaging Centre (LBIC) and Miltenyi Biotec Norden are pleased to invite you to attend an imaging seminar featuring the recent scientific advances by experts in the field of light sheet microscopy and spatial proteomics. Whether you're looking for inspiration on how to move your own research forward, or just curious about new imaging technologies, sign up now to listen, learn and network with experts…
Find out more »QIM Conference: 3D image analysis – From Foundation to Vision
Workshop and talks on the need for 3D image analysis and how deep learning can accelerate the translation of volumetric imaging data to quantitative information Join us for a day where we celebrate the advances that we have made in 3D image analysis in the QIM Center’s first five years. You will meet the decision-makers who made QIM possible, hear fascinating presentations of the newest in 3D imaging classification, see the first images coming out of the DanMAX beamline…
Find out more »May 2023
Triolab - Leica - THUNDER workshop May 23 - 25 & May 30 - June 1 University of Copenhagen | Center for Advanced Bioimaging facility Together with our partner Leica Microsystems, Triolab AS will proudly showcase a THUNDER Imager Live Cell at the University of Copenhagen. With THUNDER Imagers you can begin every experiment with confidence. They are your solution for advanced 3D cell culture assays, whether you want to study stem cells, spheroids, or organoids. THUNDER Imagers feature the innovative Leica technology Computational Clearing. It efficiently removes out-of-focus blur…
Find out more »June 2023
1st cryoNET course on advanced single particle cryo-EM analysis
1sr cryoNET course on advanced single particle cryo-EM analysis We are happy to announce the 1st cryoNET course on advanced single particle cryo-EM analysis that will take place at Aarhus University on 5-9 June 2023. Aim of the course is to provide training in cryo-EM image processing including the latest developments of the field. Participants will receive hands-on training in state-of-the-art techniques for single particle cryo-EM image processing, model building and validation from a range of international specialist guest lecturers.…
Find out more »September 2023
Optical Clearing and Expansion Microscopy Workshop
Optical-Clearing-Expansion-Microscopy-Experimentals Optical-Clearing-Expansion-Microscopy-Symposium
Find out more »February 2024
Workshop: Human Perception and Advanced Visualization of 3D Medical Imaging Data
🔍 Ready to enhance your research impact? Join our workshop on 'Human Perception and Advanced Visualization of 3D Medical Imaging Data'! ✨ Abstract This interactive workshop aims to guide researchers in crafting impactful visualizations that enhance comprehension and communication of complex findings. The workshop encourages active participation from researchers interested in refining their skills and staying up to date with the latest advancements in visualization technologies. By the end of the event, participants will gain practical insights, enabling them to…
Find out more »June 2024
AI/Smart microscopy workshop in Lund, Sweden
Lund University Bioimaging Center and Norlin lab are presenting AI/Smart microscopy workshop 2024. A whole day with talks by international experts on the latest about AI in microscopy, smart microscopy workflows, state-of-the-art microscope control software development, and a hands-on workshop with open-source microscope hardware. More information and registration link here (limited seats): https://www.ai.lu.se/2024-06-18
Find out more »Advanced live cell imaging, PhD summer school
The objective of this theoretical and practical course is to introduce advanced microscopy techniques such as high-speed live cell imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging and super resolution. The course includes the Danish BioImaging Network’s scientific symposium, a conference that allows the students to network with the Danish microscopist community. The course comprises theory and show cases benefitting from invited international experts as well as CAB’s advanced instrumentation. The course participants are awarded 5 ECTS points.
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